Some typical mental stress symptoms are seen when the social distance, the lockdown with quarantine is prolonged.
1 – Feeling anxious, anxious and scared – about the health of yourself and your relatives, about the chances of you getting infected or about the infections you are in contact with, if you have to quarantine your family members because of you, job insecurity and irregular income, Concerning scarcity, loss of business, for the well-being and safety of students or the elderly.
2 – Uncertainty, embarrassment and frustration – how long will this situation last and let’s talk about the future.
3 – Loneliness – Those who are away from relatives feel the loss of contact with their family, friends, homeland in this lockdown. So take care of your self and don’t let loneliness increase mental stress.
4 – Outrage – Because you believe that you are in this situation because of someone else’s negligence.
5 – Disgust – You can’t maintain your daily routine and have to be deprived of favorite activity.
6 – Mixed Emotions and Thoughts – Conflicts begin between different opinions, information, news, instructions, suggestions, messages posted on WhatsApp, videos, news mortals, transitional information.
7 – Craving – If you are addicted to leaves, cigarettes, tobacco, gutka and alcohol, your craving increases when you do not get it at the time of lockdown. It causes severe reactions in the body such as muscle cramps, vomiting, sweating, insomnia, nausea, headache, panic, dizziness, etc.
8 – Depression – Many such causes come together for a long time and if there is no advice, cooperation or guidance, the person falls into depression. This condition can continue even after the end of the epidemic. Therefore, one should be aware of these symptoms and be careful in one’s thinking and behaviour.