What are some of India TV's funny news stories?

What are some of India TV's funny news stories?

The Hilarious Tale of The Chained ATM Machine

There was a time when a news channel reported about an ATM machine that was chained and padlocked. The reporter, with a serious face, explained how the bank had taken this extreme step to prevent thefts. However, what the reporter missed was that the machine was simply out of order, and the chains were only a temporary fix. The story quickly gained traction and was shared across various social media platforms leading to a good laugh among the viewers.

The Unusual Matrimonial Ad

Another hilarious incident that made it to the Indian TV channels was about an unusual matrimonial ad. The ad sought a bride for a man who was supposedly a 'multi-millionaire'. The ad went on to list all his properties but also made sure to mention his 'bad habits' such as smoking and drinking. The ad was so brutally honest that it left viewers in splits. The news channel did a segment on it, and it was shared widely on social media.

The 'Ghost' in The Parliament

India TV once covered a story about a 'ghost' in the parliament. The news channel claimed that a 'ghost' was spotted in the CCTV footage inside the parliament building. They showed a video where a white figure could be seen moving around. The story was meant to be scary but ended up being a source of amusement as people started making jokes and memes about it.

Weather Forecast Gone Wrong

Weather forecasts are usually straightforward, but not in this case. A news channel aired a weather forecast where the reporter predicted heavy snowfall in areas that are known for their hot and tropical climate. The reporter kept a straight face throughout the broadcast, making it even funnier. The clip quickly went viral, with people making jokes about packing their snow gear.

The 'Alien' Invasion

A story that caught everyone's attention was when a news channel reported about an 'alien invasion'. They claimed that an alien creature was spotted in a village. The 'alien' turned out to be a sculpture made by a local artist. The serious reporting on the so-called invasion had people laughing out loud.

The Flying Car Miracle

One news channel reported a story of a car that could fly. They showed a car with large wings strapped to its sides and claimed it could fly at a speed of 125 miles per hour. The ridiculousness of the story had viewers rolling with laughter, especially when the channel showed a poorly edited video of the flying car.

The Monkey Police Officer

A funny news story that circulated on Indian TV channels was about a monkey who had been made a police officer. The monkey, wearing a police cap, was seen sitting on a chair in a police station. The channel claimed that the monkey was helping the police with their work. The absurdity of the situation made it one of the funniest news stories.

The Mystery of The Giant Footprints

Last but not least, there was a report about giant footprints found in a village. The news channel did a whole segment on it, speculating about the creature that could have left those footprints. The story turned hilarious when it was revealed that the 'giant footprints' were created by a local as a prank.

These are just a few examples of some of the funny news stories aired by India TV channels. They may not always get the facts right, but they sure do provide a good laugh!

Arvind Chatterjee
Arvind Chatterjee

Hello, I'm Arvind Chatterjee, a passionate journalist and writer with a keen eye for stories of general interest and news. I specialize in covering Indian news, from politics and culture to sports and entertainment. With years of experience in the field, I strive to bring my readers the most accurate and engaging content possible. I believe that knowledge is power, and I am dedicated to sharing that power with my readers.

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